Home - Turf Drainage Systems

Sand Capped Sports Field

A natural cost-effective solution for failing soil sports fields with minimal disturbance to the field. This is an environmentally sustainable approach versus artificial turf.

Benefits of the TDS Sand Capped Sports Field

  • Increase overall playability
  • Reduce rain delays and closures
  • Excellent "wear and tear" tolerance

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1. Installing a new drainage system

A drainage system is installed using laser-controlled trenchers at 6’-10’ spacings and backfilled with sand to the top. This allows excess surface water from the sand cap to enter the drain line.

2. Install new or upgrade existing irrigation system with stainless steel heads

3. Core aerate

4. Remove cores and plane surface

5. Grade and fill low areas

6. Seed and fertilize

7. Top dress with well graded sand

Top dressing sand is applied aggressively at 1/4" every 10-14 days until desired thickness is achieved.